Author: Rachel McClean

Rachel is a professional chef who has worked in the industry for 25 years. She runs her own successful restaurant in the US having previously worked under some of the top chefs in Paris and London. She has also worked as a professional product reviewer for various media outlets.

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Instant Pot Lux vs Duo – Which should you go for?

Instant Pots have been a sensation in the cooking world and many people are looking to get into this amazing new way to cook. Whether you are a slow cooker user wanting to update or someone who just wants the extreme convenience an instant pot provides you won’t …

The Best Copper Tea Kettles Reviewed

Copper has always been quite popular but it’s going through a major resurgence at the moment with more and more people looking for high quality traditional copper kettles for their stove top. Many people are looking for a non plastic kettle these days amid fears over BPA’s and …

The Best Electric Knife Sharpeners Reviewed

Many people invest a lot of money in their kitchen knives, they are after all an essential part of any kitchen. Quite often though sharpening them is completely neglected and people often don’t even think they need to sharpen their knives. Knives dull over time like any sharp …

Java Planet Colombian Coffee Review

Why Go Organic? Choosing to switch to an organic coffee is a choice that many people are making these days and with good reason. Coffee is an extremely popular product worldwide and in order to cut costs, meet demand and turn a profit many companies who are not …

The Best Induction Stovetop Popcorn Poppers

Popcorn is a quick and easy snack to make that everyone enjoys and it’s actually pretty healthy as long as you don’t add loads of butter or salt. If you have an induction cook top you might be wondering if there is a popcorn popper that will work …

Tea Kettles Not Made in China or Thailand Reviewed

We have nothing against China but it’s common knowledge that a lot of the products they produce are made cheaply. That’s a good thing sometimes as it means cheap products for us but sometimes we want a quality item that is going to last a long time. A …

Best Air Fryers For Under $100 Reviewed

The air fryer is supposed to be a healthier and lower-fat way of cooking. They combine hot air and a very small amount of oil to cook food and the results are similar to that of food properly deep fried in oil but without all those fattening calories. …

The Best Coffee Makers With Grinder Reviewed

Pre ground coffee can be delicious but you never really get the quality or taste from it that you can get from freshly ground coffee beans. If you are wanting to grind your own coffee at home then you might want to consider buying a coffee maker with …